The NHS Constitution sets out rights to which patients, staff and the public in England are entitled; the pledges which the NHS is committed to achieve; and all of our responsibilities. The NHS Constitution is renewed at least every 10 years to ensure that the principles and values which underpin the NHS are fit for the next decade and beyond.
A consultation has been launched to allow patients the opportunity to contribute in how the NHS operates. In the proposed changes to the NHS Constitution for England, patients will be empowered to request that intimate care is carried out by someone of the same biological sex. Similarly, it will make clear that you should be accommodated on wards with people of the same biological sex – including the legitimate and proportionate basis on which transgender patients may be provided with separate accommodation in accordance with the Equality Act 2010. Changes to delivery guidance on single-sex accommodation will follow.
The Constitution proposals make clear what patients can expect from NHS services in meeting their needs, including the different biological needs of the sexes. Illnesses and conditions that can impact men and women differently should be communicated in a clear and accurate way.
You can contribute to the consultation here:…