The Get Active sport strategy introduces an ambition that all children should meet the Chief Medical Officer's guidelines to do 60 minutes of physical activity per day, with a target of getting 1 million children more active by 20230.
With these ambitions in mind, on last year's International Women's Day, the Government announced a significant package of over £600 million to boost school sport. This announcement included a commitment to refresh the School Games Mark and introduce new equality criteria, where primary and secondary schools will be rewarded for successfully delivering equal opportunities for girls and boys.
The School Games Mark recognises a school’s commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Last academic year (2022/23), 8,000 schools achieved a School Games Mark award, with 507 schools achieving Platinum Status, the highest award that can be achieved through the scheme.
I am delighted to hear that St Peter's Droitwich CofE Academy and The Littletons Church of England Academy are achieving Platinum Status in the School Games Mark. I know the importance of sport for our young people, and to see two Mid Worcestershire schools leading the way in their provision for sport in schools is brilliant. I congratulate both schools on their outstanding achievement and would like to thank them for all their hard work.