My work and positions on Health & Social Care

The pandemic underlined not only the dedication and skill of those working in the health and social care sector, but also the need of a broader, more integrated health and care system to ensure it functions better for the workforce, and better for the users and patients.

I welcome the intention to develop more integrated care between the NHS, Local Government and other partners including the voluntary and community sector, which will be vital in tackling the factors that affect the long-term sustainability of patient services. Service provision by the independent and voluntary sectors has been, and continues to be, an important and valuable feature of our healthcare system, which I fully support. That said, I do appreciate that there are concerns about private sector involvement in Integrated Care Boards (ICB). It is important that people are assured that the work of ICBs will be driven by health outcomes, not by profits.

Lots of organisations including charities and campaigns concerned about health and social care now choose to do their lobbying by identical mass email and the amount of emails of this nature has increased significantly in recent years.  I hope you can appreciate that I am not always able to respond to all mass campaign based emails individually.

On these pages you can read my responses to some of the most popular recent email campaigns on the topic of health and social care.  

Of course, if you have any personal comments or specific concerns that you would like to raise with me then please do not hesitate to get in touch and I will endeavour to respond to these queries as soon as possible.

See Also

Impact of Covid-19 on people affected by dementia

Thank you to those who contacted me recently about dementia and coronavirus. I can imagine how challenging it must be for families caring for loved ones during this difficult time, particularly those who have needed to take on extra responsibilities.

NHS 1% Pay Rise

Thank you to those who have recently contacted me about the NHS pay rise. First, I should be clear that NHS pay has not yet been finalised, we are at the beginning of the process, not the end.  The NHS is one of the world’s largest employers and any pay change has significant financial impact

NHS and the Trade Bill

Many constituents have contacted me recently with concerns about the NHS and international trade. Like you, I cherish our National Health Service and its guiding principles.

NHS Drug Prices

The Government is committed to paying a fair price for drugs. That is why the Secretary of State for Health has asked the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to urgently look into whether pharmaceutical companies are exploiting the NHS by increasing their prices.

NHS funding

I believe fully in the NHS and its values, and I would like to assure you that the Government is committed to a tax-funded NHS, free at the point of use, wherever and whenever you need it.